
We are proud to announce the confirmed speakers of ARES 2012:

Annie I. Antón

Annie I. Antón

Professor of Computer Science at North Carolina State University

Annie Antón is a Professor in the Computer Science Department of the College of Engineering at NC State University (NCSU), where she is Director of the CSC Policy and Compliance Initiative and a member of the NCSU Cyber Defense Lab. In 2010 she chaired the NC State University Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee. In 2008, she chaired the NC State Public Policy Task Force.

Antón's research focuses on methods and tools to support the specification of complete, correct behavior of software systems used in environments that pose risks of loss as a consequence of failures and misuse. This include s Web-based and healthcare systems in which the security of personal and private information is particularly vulnerable. Current extensions to this work, include the analysis of security and privacy policies, regulations and compliance practices.

( h ttp://www4.ncsu.edu/~aianton/ )

Chenxi Wang

Chenxi Wang

Vice President, Principal Analyst at Forrester Research

Chenxi serves Security & Risk professionals. She is a leading expert on content security, application security, and vulnerability management. Chenxi leads the effort at Forrester to build the application security and Web 2.0 security research portfolio.

Chenxi's research builds on her in-depth technical insights and her years of research experience. Chenxi covers topics such as best practices for content and application security, emerging threats, and operational aspects of security deployment. Chenxi has also written about the China technology market and closely follows the technology adoption trends in that market.

( http://www.forrester.com/rb/analyst/chenxi_wang )


We are proud to announce the confirmed panel of ARES 2012:

Raising the Bar:  Performing More Effective Cyber Security Studies

This panel addresses ways to do more rigorous, more easily replicable studies in cyber security, so that practitioners can determine which practices are most effective in which contexts.  The moderator will present examples of experiments on cyber security training and case studies of usable security to show how rigor adds to the power of evidence, and in the long run to more effective decision-making about security. The panelists will discuss the benefits of and challenges in performing rigorous studies.

Moderator: Shari Lawrence Pfleeger


  • Angela Sasse, University College London (UK)
  • David Budgen, Durham University (UK)
  • Kelly Caine, Indiana University (US)